HelloGold is an award-winning mobile savings app that allows you to save in gold easily. You can buy, sell and send 99.99% (999 gold) investment grade gold with no minimum purchase (in grams), allowing you to start saving in gold from as low as RM1(MY)/THB10 (TH). This app was built to give everyone access to gold savings and to serve as a secondary platform for savings. Traditionally, gold savings has been classified as a financial product for the upper class but HelloGold is here to show you that now anyone can save in gold, you just have to get started.
What You Can Do On HelloGold:
1. Buy & save in investment grade gold
2. Sell your gold back easily & withdraw your cash
3. Send your gold to friends & family
4. Redeem physical gold starting from 1g
5. Track live gold prices
6. Join the SmartSaver savings plan
Why Use HelloGold?
• International award-winning FinTech app
• World’s first Shariah-compliant gold savings app
• Affordable; buy gold from as little as RM1(MY)/THB10 (TH)
• Gold is fully insured and stored in a secure vault
• Allocated gold. Redeem your physical gold anytime.
• Instant access to live gold prices
• Easily buy gold or sell your gold for instant cash
• Offers one of the best gold prices in Malaysia & Thailand
Why Save in Gold?
Gold has maintained its value over the long-term and has protected the finances of millions, especially through inflation and economic downfalls. Saving in gold is a great way to secure your finances, as it’s a historically stable financial product and an excellent way to diversify your investment portfolio.
HelloGold offers a gold savings plan called the SmartSaver to make saving and financial management as easy as possible. This is a 12-month automated savings plan that allows you to select a savings goal and a monthly savings commitment from as little as RM30(MY)/THB300 (TH). All you’ll have to do is fund your monthly goal and the app will automatically purchase gold for you at the lowest gold price every weekday through the month. At the end of the 12-month period, you can cash out your gold savings, claim your physical gold or continue to grow your savings. You would also be able to cancel your SmartSaver plan at any time throughout the 12-month period.
1. Islamic Retail Banking Awards - Most Innovative Islamic Retail Product of the Year 2017
2. 2017 TechMatch ASEAN - Best of TechMatch ASEAN 2017
3. 2018 Malaysia Fintech Expo - Prominent in Wealth Asset & Investment Management of the Year
4. WIFA 2018 - Best Islamic Wealth Management Fintech Company
SmartSave and diversify your investments when you get started with this savings app. With over 19,000 users, HelloGold is the preferred savings app for anyone who’s interested to safely and securely buy gold, sell gold and manage their wealth.
*Disclaimer: HelloGold does not provide consultation or advice on financial investments.
HelloGold ist eine preisgekrönte App für mobiles Sparen, mit der Sie ganz einfach Gold einsparen können. Sie können 99,99% (999 Gold) Gold mit Investment Grade ohne Mindestabnahme (in Gramm) kaufen, verkaufen und senden, sodass Sie bereits ab RM1 (MY) / THB10 (TH) Gold sparen können. Diese App wurde entwickelt, um jedem den Zugang zu Goldeinsparungen zu ermöglichen und als sekundäre Plattform für Einsparungen zu dienen. Goldeinsparungen wurden traditionell als Finanzprodukt für die Oberklasse klassifiziert, aber HelloGold zeigt Ihnen, dass jeder, der in Gold sparen kann, nur noch anfangen muss.
Was Sie bei HelloGold tun können:
1. Kaufen Sie in Investment Grade Gold
2. Verkaufen Sie Ihr Gold leicht zurück und ziehen Sie Ihr Bargeld aus
3. Senden Sie Ihr Gold an Freunde und Familie
4. Lösen Sie physisches Gold ab 1 g
5. Verfolgen Sie die Live-Goldpreise
6. Nehmen Sie am Sparplan von SmartSaver teil
Warum HelloGold verwenden?
• Internationale preisgekrönte FinTech-App
• Die weltweit erste Scharia-konforme Gold-Spar-App
• Erschwinglich; Gold bereits ab RM1 (MY) / THB10 (TH) kaufen
• Gold ist vollständig versichert und wird in einem sicheren Tresorraum aufbewahrt
• Zugeordnetes Gold. Löse dein physisches Gold jederzeit ein.
• Sofortiger Zugriff auf Live-Goldpreise
• Kaufen Sie einfach Gold oder verkaufen Sie Ihr Gold für sofortiges Bargeld
• Bietet einen der besten Goldpreise in Malaysia und Thailand
Warum in Gold sparen?
Gold hat seinen Wert langfristig gehalten und die Millionenfinanzen vor allem durch Inflation und wirtschaftliche Abfälle geschützt. Das Einsparen in Gold ist eine hervorragende Möglichkeit, Ihre Finanzen zu sichern, da es ein historisch stabiles Finanzprodukt und eine hervorragende Möglichkeit zur Diversifizierung Ihres Anlageportfolios ist.
HelloGold bietet einen Goldsparplan namens SmartSaver an, um das Sparen und Finanzmanagement so einfach wie möglich zu gestalten. Dies ist ein automatisierter Sparplan für 12 Monate, mit dem Sie bereits ab RM30 (MY) / THB300 (TH) ein Sparziel und eine monatliche Sparzusage auswählen können. Alles was Sie tun müssen, ist Ihr monatliches Ziel zu finanzieren, und die App kauft an jedem Wochentag im Monat automatisch Gold zum niedrigsten Goldpreis. Am Ende des Zeitraums von 12 Monaten können Sie Ihre Goldeinsparungen auszahlen, Ihr physisches Gold beanspruchen oder Ihre Einsparungen fortsetzen. Sie können Ihren SmartSaver-Plan jederzeit während des 12-Monats-Zeitraums stornieren.
1. Islamic Retail Banking Awards - Das innovativste islamische Einzelhandelsprodukt des Jahres 2017
2. TechMatch ASEAN 2017 - Best of TechMatch ASEAN 2017
3. Fintech Expo in Malaysia, 2018 - führend in Wealth Asset & Investment Management des Jahres
4. WIFA 2018 - Bestes islamisches Vermögensverwaltungs-Fintech-Unternehmen
SmartSave und diversifizieren Sie Ihre Investitionen, wenn Sie mit dieser Spar-App beginnen. Mit mehr als 19.000 Benutzern ist HelloGold die bevorzugte Spar-App für alle, die daran interessiert sind, Gold sicher und sicher zu kaufen, Gold zu verkaufen und ihr Vermögen zu verwalten.
* Haftungsausschluss: HelloGold bietet keine Beratung oder Beratung zu Finanzanlagen an.
HelloGold is an award-winning mobile savings app that allows you to save in gold easily. You can buy, sell and send 99.99% (999 gold) investment grade gold with no minimum purchase (in grams), allowing you to start saving in gold from as low as RM1(MY)/THB10 (TH). This app was built to give everyone access to gold savings and to serve as a secondary platform for savings. Traditionally, gold savings has been classified as a financial product for the upper class but HelloGold is here to show you that now anyone can save in gold, you just have to get started.
What You Can Do On HelloGold:
1. Buy & save in investment grade gold
2. Sell your gold back easily & withdraw your cash
3. Send your gold to friends & family
4. Redeem physical gold starting from 1g
5. Track live gold prices
6. Join the SmartSaver savings plan
Why Use HelloGold?
• International award-winning FinTech app
• World’s first Shariah-compliant gold savings app
• Affordable; buy gold from as little as RM1(MY)/THB10 (TH)
• Gold is fully insured and stored in a secure vault
• Allocated gold. Redeem your physical gold anytime.
• Instant access to live gold prices
• Easily buy gold or sell your gold for instant cash
• Offers one of the best gold prices in Malaysia & Thailand
Why Save in Gold?
Gold has maintained its value over the long-term and has protected the finances of millions, especially through inflation and economic downfalls. Saving in gold is a great way to secure your finances, as it’s a historically stable financial product and an excellent way to diversify your investment portfolio.
HelloGold offers a gold savings plan called the SmartSaver to make saving and financial management as easy as possible. This is a 12-month automated savings plan that allows you to select a savings goal and a monthly savings commitment from as little as RM30(MY)/THB300 (TH). All you’ll have to do is fund your monthly goal and the app will automatically purchase gold for you at the lowest gold price every weekday through the month. At the end of the 12-month period, you can cash out your gold savings, claim your physical gold or continue to grow your savings. You would also be able to cancel your SmartSaver plan at any time throughout the 12-month period.
1. Islamic Retail Banking Awards - Most Innovative Islamic Retail Product of the Year 2017
2. 2017 TechMatch ASEAN - Best of TechMatch ASEAN 2017
3. 2018 Malaysia Fintech Expo - Prominent in Wealth Asset & Investment Management of the Year
4. WIFA 2018 - Best Islamic Wealth Management Fintech Company
SmartSave and diversify your investments when you get started with this savings app. With over 19,000 users, HelloGold is the preferred savings app for anyone who’s interested to safely and securely buy gold, sell gold and manage their wealth.
*Disclaimer: HelloGold does not provide consultation or advice on financial investments.